This month at Legacy, we're going to be exploring all things related to finding (or remembering) your “why” in family business. And I wanted to start out by talking about why your “why” is important – as well as where it can be challenging to connect with (or remember) – especially for those of us in family business.
The subject was made famous by Simon Sinek in his books Start with Your Why and Find Your Why. And they're wonderful resources, but I also think that any time a concept (no matter how well founded it is) goes really mainstream, there's a tendency for it to get reduced a little bit too. It can turn into a bit of a soundbite or a slogan and we forget the deeper intention.
The way I see it, your “why” really boils down to why you do what you do. It can serve as a compass as you navigate your path forward. But, it’s also an invaluable source of energy & inspiration. Which is why I believe that rooting into your “why” - both for yourself and for your business – on a deep, cellular level is vital for creating & running a sustainable business.
And. I think it’s important to presence the fact that for many of us growing up in a Family Business, connecting to and cultivating our own true “why” can actually be a little bit challenging. Let me explain why –
Over the years, I have asked so many different business owners, “Did you always know that you wanted to go into the family business?” And most answers fall into one of three categories:
Oh hell no!
Folks in category #1 may have grown up feeling deeply connected to their family’s business and so taking over the family business just seemed natural. Makes sense.
While those in #2 category might not have expected to take over the family business but then at some point along the way didn't expect to take over the family business, but then at some point along the way an opportunity presented itself and it just made sense.
And then there’s those of us firmly in category #3 (I’m looking at you, first born daughters) where entry into the family business originally started as temporarily helping for a period of time and then the next thing you know, here we are 20 plus years later running the company and we never saw it coming.
But regardless of which category you might fall into, there’s one thing that we all have in common. Our “why” for initially entering our family business may not be our “why” for staying there now. We may have started out with a feeling of obligation, or expectation. Maybe it felt like a desire to help, the nudge responsibility or just wanting to make our family happy or our proud.
And none of those reasons are bad – they’re completely understandable! We all want our families to be happy, healthy & prosperous. And those desires are what get so many of us in the door in the first place!
But, once we’re in the door, we may find that those initial reasons for joining the family business don’t have the depth that we actually need to truly root into our “why” for being there for the long haul.
Because the truth of the matter is, running a company with your family can be messy. And nothing is going to make everyone happy all of the time. Or proud. Or even appreciative.
Sometimes you’re going to disagree. You’re going to face difficult challenges - personally or professionally or maybe even both at the same time! Sometimes it may feel like it’s all falling apart around you.
And in those moments, remembering your deeply rooted “why” that grounds you, your energy, and your purpose on a level beyond all of that “mess” at the surface is vital for holding the sustainable, solid ground for you, your family, and your business to build upon over & over & over again.
A question I ask my clients (and myself) is: “What are we actually going for here?”
Why do I do what I do?
What’s MY “Why?”
To hear more on this topic check out Episode 15 of the Legacy: Navigating Family Business with Anne Bauer podcast.
And if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for this month’s Free Monthly Resource Guide for a whole host of helpful thoughts, tips, & resources for connecting more fully & clearly to YOUR “why!”